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Okay, today i just want to talk about this awesome band. Guess what? They just made a great album this year and it is called " 21st Century Breakdown". Yepp, they're GREEN DAY (u can see that above). Man! I'm waiting for more than 4 or so years for this album and it pays off!!
There's about 18 songs in this album. Pretty much eh? For a 4 years development, sure it is! An the interesting fact is that in this album, there's a string that connect one song to another. So, this album is a story itself. Green Day said that it contain 3 chapter of story though..
From the musical aspect, this album kinda.. getting a little softer on the lyric and the music is surprisingly mellow but ROCK!! It's hard to tell it by word, listen it yourself. I, personally, like 21st Century Breakdown, Before The Lobotomy, 21 Guns, Last Night On Earth, and Viva La Gloria(this one awesome!!).
So, get that album now on your neighborhood nearest store!!
So you sailed away Into a grey sky morning Now I'm here to stay Love can be so boring Nothing's quite the same now I just say your name now But it's not so bad You're only the best I ever had You don't want me back You're just the best I ever had So you stole my world Now I'm just a phony Remembering the girl Leaves me down and lonely Send it in a letter Make yourself feel better But it's not so bad You're only the best I ever had You don't need me back You're just the best I ever had And it may take some time to Patch me up inside But I can't take it so I Run away and hide And I may find in time that You were always right You're always right So you sailed away Into a grey sky morning Now I'm here to stay Love can be so boring What was it you wanted Could it be I'm haunted But it's not so bad You're only the best I ever had I don't want you back You're just the best I ever had The best I ever had The best I ever . . .
Hahah,, ini nih kalo orang jarang online bikin blog.. Ga keurus blognya.. Trus kenapa? Blog-blog gw wee :P !!
Btw, i'm skipping school today. Today's sucks, yesterday no better and i don't think tomorrow can't be worse. Tiap hari nggak belajar, ampe madesu kelas gw. Kerjanya maen capsa mulu sama UNO.
Ada yang foto-foto..
Ada yang tidur...
Well, itu semua adalah bagian dari kehidupan highschool, especially my class. But believes me, you will remember those time as a fun time during your highschool life's. It's only happen once so, do your best to enjoy it :D
aah, udah lama gw nggak ngeblog.. sebenernya gw juga lagi ga mood ngeblog, i'm sick everyone. Ceritanya gini, kemaren Jum'at, gw ada acara sekolah, pentas seni musik tradisional. Yaah, untuk melestarikan musik tradisional Indonesia gitu, ada angklung, gamelan, gitar, dan piano juga. Dan tebak gw kebagian apa? Gong. Paling simpel karena cuma ada dua doang yang musti dibunyiin.
Karena gw orangnya emang nervous-an kalo ada acara gede, gw lupa makan. Abis tampil pun, gw masih cape dan perut gw masih mules gara-gara nervous tadi. Dan yaudah, gw lupa makan. Abis itu gw langsung ngambil darah di PMI daerah Matraman. Setelah diambil darahnya, gw langsung ciao, kagak makan dulu, makanan yang dikasi PMI kagak enak. Cuma minum aer anget sama susu coklat. Pas sampe di tempat nyokap gw, gw langsung minum jus dan . . . perut gw alhasil langsung bunyi kaya' lagi di bor. Urrghh.. Gw ga masuk sekolah deh 3 hari. Berarti.. I GOT A WHOLE LOTSA WEEKEND FELLA!! A LONG-WEEKEND! Yeah!!
Saran gw, jangan donor pas sore hari. Makanannya gw enak. Ok?
Ciao everyone!!
Envy dan Jealous sering banget dipake buat arti yang sama. Padahal,
sesungguhnya 2 arti ini beda banget. Envy itu adalah perasaan sakit
atau iri karena keadaan superior yang dimiliki orang lain, tetapi kita
tidak mempunyainya. Meanwhile Jealous, adalah perasaan akan takut
kehilangan seseorang, takut akan diambil oleh orang lain. In this case,
dalam bentuk seorang kekasih. Dalam sudut pandang subjektif, Envy
perputar antara masalah 2 orang. Sedangkan Jealousy, terdapat pihak
ketiga yang menjadi pihak pengambil. Dan ini yang sedang terjadi sama
gw.. Yaa, gw tau kalo gw ga punya yang namanya "kekasih" yang menjadi
objek utama di Jealousy.. Tapi udahlah, like Bullet's said, let's
forget the shit that we've been through...
About today,, weekend really sucks today, gw ga tau mau ngapain lagi..
Gw seharian maen laptop doang. Bosan..
Tapi yang penting ulangan tinggal besok.. Mungkin besok my DOTA Crew
will have another conference, yeah!! A LAN BATTLE!! I'm going to bed
early,, i caught cold. Not a very good idea staying up late 2 days
consecutively, believe me.. Dan kebiasaan gw untuk bangun pagi
memperparah keadaan gw,, gw bangun pagi dan jadinya jam tidur gw
kurang.'kay, goodnight friend.. hoahmm.... zzzzz
Okay, ini mau adalah blog pertama gw di blogspot ini. Firstly, gw mau bilang, like, " YAHAAAAA!!!" karena ngetik blog ini di laptop gw. Yeah, a laptop.. My first laptop i ever had in my life. It's good enough, it has a 2 GB RAM and good VGA!! WHOOPEEE! Now you got that Football Manager 09 running! :-) parah kan? Musim 2008/2009 Premier League di Inggris udah mau abis, gw baru maenin gamenya :-(
bodo lah, yang penting gw bisa maenin..
Hahaha!! Banyak temen gw yang masih belom mainin ini juga terkait masalah spesifikasi komputer yang kurang,, jadi alhamdulillah banget gw dapet laptop yang bisa memenuhi segala kebutuhan virtual gw (halah..).
Entah mengapa,, tiba-tiba gw jadi sangat ingin bikin blog... Ga tau aja,, padahal yang namanya blog itu harus diurusin secara ngurus diri sendiri sama tugas sekolah aja gw masih belom becus.. Mungkin karena gw sering online dan ga tau mau ngapain aja kecuali buka Facebook, baca Onemanga, sama download boy's thing.. You know what it is, don't gimme that look!!
Btw, i'm currently listening to Bullet For My Valentine new album "Scream Aim Fire", and it is godly KICKASSSSSSS!!!! My suggestion? Listen "Waking The Demon", "Heart Burst Into Fire", "Forever And Always", and "Scream Aim Fire". Lemme know if you have some cool music to listen to.. Ciao!